Announcement about Fake Telegram Channel

The management team of Royal Group Phnom Penh SEZ Plc., developer of the Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone, wishes to inform the public that an unauthorized and FAKE Telegram Channel has been created using our Compnay’s name without our knowledge and permission. This fraudulent Telegram Chennel is in no way affiliated with our company, and we assume NO responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from any interactions with it.

We are actively pursuing legal action to have this FAKE telegram channel removed. In the meantime, we urge the public to stay vigilant and avoid any engagement with this channel, which is likely set up for deceptive purposes. Please alert your friends and family to this FAKE telegram channel and refrain from connecting with or sharing any information from this channel.

Account Details:

Fake Telegram Channel Name: ROYAL GROUP PHNOM PENH SEZ

Unauthorized use of our Company’s name

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