Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) provided a training program on the Market Stimulation on Securities Trading to the staff of Royal Group Phnom Penh SEZ Plc.
On 13 August 2022, Royal Group Phnom Penh SEZ Plc. (PPSP) had a great honor to receive an investor education training program organized by SERC presided by His Excellency Sou Socheat, Delegate of Royal Government in Charge as Director General of the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia. This training program was conducted at the Office of Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone.

Mr. UEMATSU Hiroshi, CEO of Royal Group Phnom Penh SEZ, thanked His Excellency Sou Socheat and SERC officials to initiate this training course in order to enhance the knowledge on Cambodia Securities Exchange market for PPSP’s staff. This training program is aimed at providing to share the experiences and the additional knowledge as the foundation for investment regarding the Securities Market Updates and Benefits of Securities Market, Fundamentals of Pre-Investment Analysis, CSX Trade Trading Process and Practice and Investors protection in the securities sector by speakers from the SERC, and the representatives of the Cambodia Securities Exchange.

The training program was conducted successfully with 52 attendees. Hopefully, we shall have more of this kind of training for advanced knowledge in the near future.

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