PPSP joined the event of My First Stock 2023 that was organized by Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) for Four days from November 16th to 19th, 2023. The activity of CSX “My First STOCK” 2023 was held at Aeon Mall Phnom Penh (Aeon 1), which started from 09:00 AM until 8:30 PM during these four days, which could reach over approximately 3,000 NEW potential investors who would get free of charge for opening the “Stock Trading Account” during this event.
On 8 November 2023, we were highly honored to welcome the visit of H.E. Justin Whyatt, Ambassador of Australia to the Kingdom of Cambodia in Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (RGPPSEZ).
On 10 November 2023, the management and staffs of Royal Group Phnom Penh SEZ Plc., as well as representatives from a lot of companies in the Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone, had a great honor and pleasure to welcome the visit of His Excellency Ouk Bung, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Commerce in charge of SEZs in Cambodia who presided over the seminar on ”Law on Rules of Origin and UK’s Developing Countries Trading Scheme-DCTS”. Lots of significant information and updates were introduced in the seminar to raise awareness of exporters representatives.
27 October 2023 is another date to note as one of our existing customers, G.S ELECTECH (Cambodia) INC. celebrated the Official Grand Opening Ceremony for their 2nd plant in the Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (RGPPSEZ), part of Royal Group. As the developer of the zone, we would like to express our heartfelt congratulations to G.S ELECTECH for this auspicious occasion.
On 21 September 2023, all of us, management members and staffs of Royal Group Phnom Penh SEZ Plc., were delighted and excited to welcome the visit of His Excellency SUN CHANTHOL, Deputy Prime Minister, First Vice-Chairman of Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) accompanied by His Excellency CHEA VUTHY, Secretary General of Cambodian Investment Board, Chairman of Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone Administration, and many other delegates from the CDC.
On 20 September 2023, we had the great honor to welcome Her Excellency FOLAKEMI I. AKINLEYE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (RGPPSEZ).
On 13 September 2023, the Earnings Forum 2023 was held at the Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX). The event was presided by H.E. Hong Sok Hour, Royal Government Delegate in charge as CEO of CSX and the participation of PPSP with the speaker, Mr. Fong Nee Wai, the CFO. The other participants were investors, and students from various universities in Phnom Penh.
On 14 July 2023, a team from Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (RGPPSEZ) led by Mr. UEMATSU Hiroshi, CEO of the company, had a friendly visit to Manhattan Special Economic Zone (MSEZ) located in Bavet City, Svay Rieng Province, near the border with Vietnam.
12 July 2023 marked the completion of the renovation work of our main gate located on National Road 4, in Kamriang village, Kantouk commune, Kambol district.
On 28 June 2023, the 2nd quarterly HR meeting was held in Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone with 62 participants from various factories in the zone.